torsdag 21. januar 2010

It took me 41 hours to get from Rakkestad, Norway, to Berkeley, California.

I’ve never been to California, so it was difficult knowing what to pack. Looking outside on the snow covered Norway – the thermostat showing -30 degrees celcius – all i wanted to throw in was my mittens and scarves. But then I started thinking about Californian TV shows. In Pacific Blue they all walk around in bikinis. That’s in California right? So my bikini was the first item in the suit case. I threw the mittens in as well. It’s January after all. Bikini and mittens.. Something wasn’t right. I had to start over..

I left early Sunday morning (my suitcase full off everything and nothing), 2 hours in the car, 3 hours at the airport. My first stop was in Frankfurt, Germany, where there was a terrible snowstorm – close to a blizzard – going on. At least that is what they told us when our flight from Oslo was delayed. Arriving, way too late, I understood that the horrible blizzard was a few clouds and a 3 cm snow carpet covering the airport. Apperently they only had three showels to share.

When I finally got off the plane, I had to run to my next flight – it was leaving in 12 minutes – and I cried out with joy when I just made it, the last one in just before they closed the gate. Then I sat three hours in the plane, before it took off. One must not forget the blizzard!

When we finally got up in the air, another 12 hours waited. To conclude: I watched a lot of tv, they gave us a lot of food and I didn’t sleep one second..

By the time we arrived in Canada my stomach was turning and I was sick for a couple of hours while waiting in several queues before arriving at luggage claim. (The last burrito on the plane was not a good option. Neither did it taste good. Lamb and mint together? Who eats that? Canadiens? But I couldn’t throw away ”free” food..?) Waiting for the luggage an awful long time, it suddenly hit my that my suitcase may not have been as lucky as me and made the flight. I was after all the last to board the plane. It took 40 minutes and four canadians to finally get a hold of it. And guess what – another queue!

When I finally got out, I had to get in again (to the next flight that would take me to San Francisco) but of course the plane had already left, one hour in advance this time. Lucky me!

I was alone, hungry (after having been sick so many times) and tired, veeery tired. Of course, the information office had closed for the day, it was after all later than 6 in the evening (Canadiens go to bed early).. I started asking cleaning ladies at the airport what to do, and they sent me back and forth for about 90 minutes before an Air Canada lady who had been watching me offered to help (she wouldn’t help me earlier). It took another 2 hours before I was settled in a hotel and could finally get my 4 hours of sleep before my flight was on again. The hunger had to wait. The hotel room was very nice though (Canada 1 point).

The next morning (4am) was worse than ever. Little sleep, no food, horrible coffee and taxi queue.

No hand luggage allowed! No more space in the suitcase! I had to send my purse and all of my carry-on possessions in a plastic bag with all other luggage (crossing my fingers that nothing broke) and get on a plane that was half the size of an average Norwegian plane. But it took 3,5 hours before I got so far.. they checked every part of my entire body, clothes and bags. Queues queues queues.. I’ve never felt more like a sheep. This way, that way, arms up, tongue out..

No breakfast till I got on the airplane. I was exhausted. But the tiny plane couldn’t even tolerate the most fragile wind without a massive turbulence and I had to put away my sandwich after only one bite – seatbelt sign is on – no items in your lap.. Hurray..The turbulence outside was nothing compared to what was going on in my tummy..

My luggage arrived first this time – and I even found the right train to get to Berkeley. Yes, sandwich time!! After 2 bites I realized many where looking at me which is not very abnormal as half of all the food I eat always ends up on the plate – this time my lap. It was only when I turned around that i realized that I was sitting up against a NO EATING OR DRINKING sign.. How ironic. No more food for me.

And that was the story of how the hungry little girl finally made it across US border. Maybe it's time to give up and go home..

1 kommentar:

  1. Fantastisk morsomst! Blir helt utmattet av å lese om reisen din... Men det er jo slike opplevelser man kan le av i ettertid, også har du jo fått en god historie å fortelle ;)

    Hilsen Linda
