fredag 29. januar 2010

Oh right - uni!

I got question about my blog - what about the University, you are studying right? I can see now that I haven't really had a big focus on that part in my blog (Ops..), but I'll get right to it. So the University is quite big. Not like a couple of buildings but more like a village with an endless amount of inhabitants. We always have to bring the campus map to get around even though we've been here for about 3 weeks. Some rooms are beautiful and biiig, others are tiny and shabby, and there's a big diversity throughout the University Area. And yes, we are lost at least once a day. We don't really have a lot of classes (6 hours per week - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off:P ) BUT we do have A LOT to read. The way the courses are built up is about the quite opposite of the Norwegian system. Mostly in a good way. The professors are amazing. They know everything and they all have a couple of Phd's each.. It's an experience just being there listening to them. In one of our (two) courses we actually get a new professor to lecture every week! So that's really exiting. The grades are built up by 3 exams during the semester and attendency! So if you're there everytime you're almost bound to pass the course;)

Even though you have to read the required books (which are thick and multiple) you're not supposed to know them by heart as in Norway, the most important part is what the teacher tells you, the books are merely for you to reflect and get different perspectives. As they say: "You're not here to learn, you're here to grow". And I love it - growing already:)

Sadly I don't have any pictures of campus yet (odd) but you'll get a Maria quote instead (with a new Maria picture:) you're welcome)

Maria quote no 3: "So Maria, what are you wearing tonight?" "I don't know, is it supposed to be sunny out?"

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