mandag 8. mars 2010

Chickin out FastFood!

The only fast food chains that managed to cross the Atlantic and migrate all the way to Norway were McDonalds and Burger King. We therefore had to check out some of the other popular places here in the US that serves your meal in a jiffy.

First up is In-N-Out. This place is, according to my American friends, one of the best places to go. And I kind of liked it! They're supposed to be known for their milkshake, and I must admit: mmmmmm;)

Arby's. I hadn't even heard of this place. Their burgers don't have normal meat in them but are filled up with roast beef! They call them Roastburgers. Me like roastburgers. With bacon on top. And their own bbq sauce. And CURLY FRIES! I LOVE curly fries! They're so funny! I'm serious when I say, you're allowed to play with your food at Arby's.

Let's go to Wendy's! Wendy's have square burgers. Original? I guess. Weird? Sure. Does it tempt me? Oh yeah;) Somehow the bread is round though. Not sure why. Maybe a burger can't be burger if it's all square. Desert? Sure! I'll have the Vanilla-Oreo-Twisted-swiiiiiirl. And it was good.

I'm not a fan of take-out (except for King Dong!!) but these days as our stove "hit the floor" it's all we got. And it's not too bad;)

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