lørdag 27. mars 2010

Turbulence & Starvation

To fly across the US tends to be very shaky compared to other flights and I was therefore prepared this time with sleeping pills so that I wouldn't get scared. The instructions said to take two pills, but the pharmacy lady warned me - I must only take one!

So I took one right before bording. Then another after a couple of hours. I was exhausted, but couldn't sleep whatsoever.. Hopefully dinner would get my mind off things..

But no, dinner never came. On our 7 hour flight, all we got was water and cookies. You didn't even get the possibility to buy a sandwich.

Several bags of cookies and crisps later my eyes were blood shot, I could hardly move my arms - every part of my body was asleep but me. And the turbulence didn't exactly make it better.

I don't recommend JetBlue to anyone who's planning to fly 7 hours and whose diet consists of something else than water and crackers. And blue chips.

But we made it home to Berkeley in the end - and I finlly got my long awaited sleep. Zzzz.. Looking forward to eat tomorrow..

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