tirsdag 16. mars 2010

Cookie Duuude!

Today as we walked around campus in the lovely sunny afternoon, we came across a stand selling cookies for the Girl Scouts! This reminded me of that Friends episode where Ross have to sell all those cookies for that little girl, and Monica can't stop eating them. I've always had the craving for them after that - are they really that good?!

Walking up to the stand I realize this is not a normal girl scout, this is actually a grown man standing there selling. How sweet..

But there are so many flavours to pick from! We ended up with Dulce de Leche - which I can't pronounce so I just pointed at it: "this one, how much?" How touristic of me..

Well, they tasted ok. I took one. Then we went to YogurtLand. That tasted much better <3 Mmmm.. YogurtLand..

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