søndag 21. mars 2010

Welcome to Miami..

I had bought new pants for the flight taking us to Florida - snuggly-pants that were aaall white. The only white item in my closet actually. Sadly, as we crossed the USA I managed to get nose bleed all over them. "Hello Florida, why don't you take the time to meet the girl with the bloody pants.." I've never felt hotter..

Leaving SF at night, we arrived quite early at our hotel at Fort Lauderdale. So early (around 6am) that they wouldn't let us in for another 6 hours.. So we watched the sunrise on the beach, managed to plead ourselves to a wonderful breakfast at the hotel nearby, and then, when we couldn't stand the waiting any longer - we booked a different hotel - freshened up - and decided to go to Miami.. Without getting any sleep.

This might have been our best idea since we arrived.. And the shuttle service of the best hotel in the area agreed to drive us there - so we arrived high class in a black cool car (no, we don't remember the brand of the car, but it was really cool).

And Miami was all you ever heard, thought and imagined it would be. Even better.. A Baywatch beach with perfect white sand, people working out everywhere, 90% of the guys looked like they came right out of the film "300", ladies wore bikinis, drinks were huuuge, drinks were cheeeeap, music was loud and people were partying all day.

Now, we hadn't slept for over 24 hours when we got here, so we started to party pretty early (around 2pm) and headed home at the reasonable 9pm. We were exhausted. And slept very well that night to be ready for our cruise leaving for the Bahamas the very next day..

And also, I bought the best t-shirt ever.. And I wore it.. And I've never looked better..

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